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What is EurAI?

According to Article 1 of the Charter it is “An international association with scientific and educational objectives called European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence (ECCAI) is hereby established.”. In a General Assembly celebrated in 2015 the name was changed to the “EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR AI (EurAI)”. This Association is governed by the Belgian law of 25 October 1919, modified by the law of 6 December 1954.

What are the objectives of EurAI?

The objectives of the Association, which is non-profit making, are:

  • To promote the science and technology of artificial intelligence in Europe.
  • To promote the establishment of a European computer network.
  • To encourage the teaching of artificial intelligence.
  • To publish a European journal of information on artificial intelligence.
  • To sponsor a biennial conference organized by one or more of the member societies.
How is EurAI composed?

The Association is composed of active members who have independent legal status. These members are scientific European associations concerned with artificial intelligence. They must have at least 25 members actively working in this field.

The EurAI Board is elected every two years by the EurAI General Assembly. Board members serve a two year term and are eligible for re-election twice. Click here to see the current board composition.


The European Association for Artificial Intelligence EurAI (formerly ECCAI) was established in July 1982 as a representative body for the European Artificial Intelligence community. Its aim is to promote the study, research and application of Artificial Intelligence in Europe.

The Charter of EurAI (formerly ECCAI)

“Aan allen die nu zijn en hierna wezen zullen, Onze Groet.”

“A tous, présents et à venir, Salut.”

With these bilingual greetings (Dutch and French) starts a long statement, dated 14 September 1992, of the Ministry of Justice of the Kingdom of Belgium. It says that the request of 9 June 1992 by Mr. L. Siklòssy has been approved: the new statutes of the international association “European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence” have been approved.

Both the official French text of these Statutes, as well as an unofficial English translation are available.

© 2022 EurAI - by the European Association for Artificial Intelligence